Industrial Automation

Transforming Industries with 4.0 Technology

Cloud Controlling & Business Intelligence

Top 5 Challenges Onti can help you solve in your business

Industrial Process Automation: Production lines, machinery, quality control, among others.

Remote Monitoring and Control: Real-time readings and parameterization, along with remote updates through WiFi, cellular data, or even satellite.

Comprehensive Hardware Solution: Our device can connect with most of the industry-standard equipment and communication protocols.

Integration with Leading Software: Connectivity with ERPs and industry-standard protocols.

Integration with Equipment Sensors: Allows smart preventive maintenance and data collection on performance.

Industries and Applications

How does it work?

About Us

Our Mission

Empower small and medium-sized businesses to:

  • Overcome technological gaps

  • Increase productivity

  • Make data-driven decisions

By providing:

  • Affordable and customized solutions for industrial automation

  • Remote monitoring and control

  • Efficient data collection, treatment, and visualization.

Some of our clients

Our technology easily integrates with diverse equipment and software across industries, allowing you to automate processes and have remote monitoring and control at your fingertips.

Say goodbye to manual data analysis. Onti collects, stores, and processes real-time data, providing crucial business intelligence for informed decision-making.

Over 30 years of expertise

How can we help you?